The Conference has the ambitious goal to establish and implement a new networking and collaboration scheme able to merge together the fields of Organic Spintronics, Molecular Magnetism and Molecular Quantum Technologies.
Area della Ricerca CNR, Via P. Gobetti 101
Oratorio di "San Filippo Neri" via Manzoni 5 (only the 16th)
15-18 November 2016
The conference will start on Tuesday 15th and close on Friday 18th of November 2016.
It will take place at the Area della Ricerca CNR except on the 16th when the conference will be at the "Oratorio di San Filippo Neri" via Manzoni 5, located in the downtown of Bologna
ECMolS is the first conference co-organized by COST Action CA15128 on Molecular Spintronics (MOLSPIN).
Support by the COST Action made it possible to organize a top-notch international conference accessible to a broad audience, collecting researcher and students from communities of Spintronics, Molecular Electronics, Molecular Magnetism and Quantum Computing.
Forging single-molecule magnets for spintronics: background, achievements and current trends
Relativity shakes future technology: how the spin Hall effect and relativistic torques are opening new paths for information storage
Molecular spins and quantum technologies
Molecular spintronics: new opportunities beyond conventional materials
Participants, who would like to make an oral or poster presentation at the Conference, must submit an abstract.
Authors are requested to use the ECMolS abstract template for the submission.
All abstracts must be submitted electronically via the link below (active from July 1st).
Abstract deadline: 16st of September
Notification of acceptance as oral or poster contribution will be sent by September 30, 2016.
Registration on line will be available from July 1st 2016.
We encourage the active participation of students. Student rates will apply also for young reasercher up to 2 years from completion of PhD
Conference fee (before 18 October)
Full registration: 400 €
Student registration: 150€
Conference fee (after 18 October and on site)
Full registration: 500€
Student registration:210€
Early registration deadline extended to Tuesday 18th
The conference fee will cover conference kit, refreshments during coffee breaks, lunches during the workshop and social dinner.
In parallel to ECMolS conference the Management Committee and the Working Groups 1-3 meetings of the COST action CA15128 on Molecular Spintronics (MOLSPIN) will take place. Please refer also to COST Molspin website for further information.
The oral contribution shall not exceed the following durations (including questions):
Click here to download the program
November 15th | November 16th | November 17th | November 18th |
NONE | NONE Conference will be held at "Oratorio di San Filippo Neri" via Manzoni 5 |
8.20 Via Righi-Via Indipendenza intersection 8.30 Autostazione stand 25 8.35 Piazza Unità close to via Mazza intersection |
8.20 Via Righi-Via Indipendenza intersection 8.30 Autostazione stand 25 8.35 Piazza Unità close to via Mazza intersection |
November 15th | November 16th | November 17th | November 18th |
Leave at 18.50 from the Area entrance Same stops | NONE Conference will be held at "Oratorio di San Filippo Neri" via Manzoni 5 |
Leave at 18.40 from the Area entrance Same stops | NONE |
How to reach the Area di Ricerca CNR on your own
How to reach the "Oratorio San Filippo Neri" on your own
Touristic information of city of Bologna
Recently, hotel accommodation in Bologna has increased and there is now a greater range available at competitive prices.
As a result, our annual agreements with hotels are no longer the best means for assuring lowest rates. Depending on time of booking, hotels if contacted directly may offer cheaper rates compared to those of our agreements.
For this reason we now prefer to make available a detailed list of hotels selected by us (each facility has been visited to assess quality of services) so that you may choose and check prices independently.
Hotel list